Easy Email Encryption?
I set out to find free, easy email encryption programs. After many hours I found only one decent solution. And it requires both the sender and the recipient to use the Firefox browser AND perform an easy, quick installation of the program.
I expected to find free, easy solutions that allowed the sender to encrypt the message, set a password, and send it. And when the recipient opened it. it would simply require them to enter a password to read it. I found no such solution.
There are many services which charge a fee to send your mail in an encrypted form though their servers, but I found no other solutions that are quick and easy to use. The few that do not charge are difficult to install and set up. And the biggest problem is the recipient has to perform complicated procedures to decrypt your message, has to perform an installation which is time consuming and confusing, or has to install software and create keys ahead of time to allow you to share encrypted messages.
I am very disappointed that there is no easy decent solution out there. I assume the reason is that there is no motivation to provide such an option without being rewarded monetarily for their efforts.
The reasonable package I did find is ONLY for users of the Firefox Browser. It is simple and easy to use. Once you install the package on your PC, you set the password for the file. You can communicate with the recipient via another method such as text, voice or in person and give them that password. With that password they can read the message. It is encrypted using a strong AES-256 encrypted method. It is not stored on anyone’s server.
It DOES require the user to perform a quick easy installation of the software by clicking on a link in the encrypted message, AND it requires the recipient to use the Firefox browser. They simply right click on the encrypted message and select “Decrypt Communication”.
I am hoping someday to find such a real solution and will inform the readers of this blog if I ever discover such a solution.
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